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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

Does Insurance Cover My College Student's Car & Stuff?

Does Insurance Cover My College Student's Car & Stuff?

As the mom of a son in college 9 hours away, there are a lot of logistics around getting your kid packed up and off to college safely.I am obsessed with checklists on my phone. I keep lists of groceries, Netflix shows I need to watch and everything else under the sun. So, of course, I use my handy checklist for what to pack. But...

Protect Your Pets from Hot Cars

Protect Your Pets from Hot Cars

To a dog, there’s nothing more exciting than going for a ride, having the window rolled down and feeling the wind in their ears. However, when the car stops and owners run a “quick” errand, what can happen to your pet is dangerous. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), hundreds of pets die in hot cars each year....

5 Things That Are Excluded From Your Life Insurance

5 Things That Are Excluded From Your Life Insurance

The main reason for purchasing life insurance is to leave something behind for your loved ones when you pass away. You pay your life insurance premiums to ensure your beneficiaries will receive death benefits should something happen to you. Not everyone is aware that life insurance policies have certain exclusions that can prevent beneficiaries from receiving benefits. It is important to know what those exclusions...

6 Reasons to Get Business Insurance Now

6 Reasons to Get Business Insurance Now

If you are wondering when the best time is to get business insurance, the answer is now. The protection it can provide is essential for your business, and some types of coverage may be required by law. The following are six reasons to purchase a business insurance policy now: Some Business Insurance Is Required by State Law Most states require small businesses to carry some...

Home Insurance for Rental Properties: What You Need to Know

Home Insurance for Rental Properties: What You Need to Know

Many people who own homes today rent them out to others. If you are renting out your home, whether on a short-term or a long-term basis, it is essential to understand that your homeowners insurance may not cover losses incurred while the property is being rented. The following is information about insurance coverage for renting out a residence in different scenarios. Short-Term Rentals of a...

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